MGC Introduces the Next Generation of Lubricated Entry Material

Posted Nov 5th, 2020

Our main focus at TFE is to provide our customers with the most cutting-edge products we can find. Our goal is to provide our customers with the highest quality products and services. The best way to do that is to work with partners who constantly improve their products and provide the best technical solutions in their field. MGC is no exception. With the introduction of their new LE-GO615 entry material they do just that.

The new LE-G0615 entry material from MGC is the next generation of advanced lubricated drilling entry materials. The specially lubricated surface produces a much higher hole position accuracy of average +3s:12.2um with a maximum wander of: 25.0um.

The thin, environmentally safe lubrication on the entry surface offers many money saving advantages, including a significant reduction of roughness on the interior wall of the FR4 material. It is also applicable to a wide range of drill sizes. The new lubricated aluminum with resin entry material excels at drilling small distances between hole walls, with tight hole pitch. The special lubrication on the entry surface decreases drill temperature, increases hit counts, and allows for higher stack drilling with higher in-feed speeds. This offers significant cost savings with lower drill breakage rates.

The LE-G0615 lubricated aluminum top sheet with resin backed entry material allows for extended drill life of over 3000 hits.  The significantly lower temperature of the drill bit reduces hole wall resin smear, allowing for higher drill to hole ratios. Even after 3000 hits at a chip load of 13.0um/rev, the drill bit flutes and cutting surface are noticeably absent of smeared resin and fiberglass strand build up, versus a normal aluminum entry material which produces a large deposit of smeared FR4 resin and glass fibers on the drill flute cutting surface. 

Talk to TFE today about switching to LE-G0615 lubricated entry material to enhance your drilling and reduce your production costs.