ERBO - Automated Variable Speed Vacuum Systems

Posted Apr 11th, 2023

At TFE, we not only bring our customers the best products on the market, we also embrace our role as experts and consultants when it comes to the products we sell. To do this, we learn everything about our products, what they can do and how they can perform. It is with this philosophy of expertise in mind that we are both thrilled and proud to represent ERBO Vacuum Systems.Printed circuits are the all too often underappreciated foundation of the entire electronics industry. They are typically built from composite materials comprised of mixtures of resins (e.g. epoxy, polyimide, PTFE etc.) and reinforcement materials (e.g, fiberglass and Kevlar cloths and even paper).

The laminates are most typically mechanically machined at various points in manufacturing. Machining processes include: drilling, milling scoring, routing, edging, de-paneling, beveling and laser processing to provide the panel with the desired physical features. Use of machining processes, however, results in the generation of waste in the form of dust which can be deleterious to the health of operators and potentially the local environment outside the manufacturing facility and even to the quality and yield of the PCB by introduction of potential defects, such as shorts and opens in circuit features on the board.

As PCB designers are increasingly transitioning to ever more feature dense HDI and UHDI designs, controlling machining dust to assure the health and safety of workers and neighbors of PCB manufacturers as well as the quality of their products has been the mission of ERBO for almost four and a half decades. 

One more recent innovation allows for the system to provide variable vacuum pressure at specific work stations helping to assure that adequate vacuum is provided when and where needed to ensure greater product quality and reduce energy costs. These improvements are discussed in detail in a video interview of TFE’s Jeff Brandman and ERBO’s Moritz Hertfelder by Iconnect007 editor Nolan Johnson. 

Watch the Interview Here

Note: to bypass other video content and go directly to the interview search for TFE in the upper right corner of the video window.

With decades of experience in the industry  ERBO’s engineers have the vital experience needed to provide the right solution for your environmental control needs and we at TFL are ready and eager to help you get the system you need as efficiently and cost effectively as possible.
Whether you are looking for an upgrade of an existing facility or are planning a new PCB facility, we are here to guide you through. Please feel free to contact us, and let us help. As always thank you for your business and loyalty.